(20) The care and support of Allah (SWT) is the weapon of the Muslim. Part (1)

تاريخ الإضافة 29 أبريل, 2024 الزيارات : 315

(20) The care and support of Allah (SWT) is the weapon of the Muslim. Part (1)

There are three points to discuss in this regard:

    A- The importance of being conscious of the care and Support of Allah SWT

    B- The support of Allah (SWT) in the lives of the prophets and messengers.

A- The importance of being conscious of the support of Allah (SWT).

Being conscious of the care and support of Allah (SWT) is one of the most important tools in reforming the Muslim individual.  This allows the Muslim to be a good brick in the wall of society.

The Muslim when he becomes aware of life, he becomes conscious of the care and support of Allah (SWT), and how it is involved in all aspects of his life.  This consciousness however differs from one person to another.

Allah (SWT) says: “Have you not seen that Allah knows whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever in the earth? There is no Najwa (secret counsel) of three but he is their fourth (with his knowledge,), nor of five but He is their sixth , nor of less than that or more but He is with them wherever they may be.  And afterwards on the Day of Resurrection he will inform them of what they did. Verily, Allah is All-Knower of everything.” (Al-Mujadilah, 7).

The Muslim once he becomes aware of the support of Allah (SWT), he guards his body parts from falling into the evil actions.

The care and support of Allah (SWT) causes the Muslim to keep a watchful eye at all times, to keep himself from falling into the haram things.

Allah (SWT) says: “Surely, Allah is Ever an All-Watcher over you.” (An-Nisa’, 1).

Prophet Luqman (PBUH) taught his son two things:  To be watchful of Allah (SWT), and to be aware and conscious of the care and support of Allah (SWT). 

Luqman (PBUH) said to his son as mentioned by Allah (SWT) in the Qur’an: “O my son! If it be (anything) equal to the weight of a grain of mustard seed, and though it be in a rock, or in the heavens or in the earth, Allah will bring it forth.  Verily, Allah is Subtle (in bringing out that grain), Well-acquainted (with its place).” (Luqman, 16).

B- The care and support of Allah (SWT) in the lives of the prophets and messengers.

In the past, all of the prophets and the messengers had the consciousness of Allah’s care and support in their hearts.  It was imbedded very deeply in their souls and involved in every aspect of their lives.  Moreover, it was the source of the godly help which they received during times of hardship. For example:

Ibrahim (PBUH) when he confronted his people about the deviation that they were involved in, they conspired against him and threw him into the fire which they had built.  They wanted to get rid of him and to make an example out of him.

However, their actions resulted in the intervention of Allah (SWT).  Allah (SWT) protected Ibrahim (PBUH) with his help and mercy.

A poet once said: If the support of Allah and his protection is upon you, then you can sleep soundly and safely. For all the dangers in the world become harmless.

The burning fire which Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) was cast into lost the property of burning upon the command of Allah (SWT), and turned into a cool and harmless fire. Allah (SWT) said: “We (Allah) said: ‘be you o fire coolness and safety for Ibrahim.’” (Al-Anbiya, 69).

Another example:

Prophet Lut (PBUH) also faced hardships with his people, when he confronted them about the sinful and perverse acts they were committing.  They disobeyed him and continued on the path of deviation, and threatened Lut (PBUH).

They said as Allah (SWT) mentioned in the Qur’an: “They said: ‘If you cease not, O Lut, verily, you will be one of those who are driven out!’” Lut (PBUH) responded, as mentioned by Allah in the Qur’an: “He said: ‘I am, indeed, of those who disapprove with severe anger and fury your action (of sodomy).’ (As-Shu’ara, 167-168).

Lut then, made supplication to Allah (SWT): “My lord! Save me and my family from what they do.” (As-Shu’ara, 169).

And Allah (SWT) answered his supplication: “So We saved him and his family, all except an old woman (Lut’s wife) among those who remained behind. Then afterwards We destroyed the others.” (As-Shu’ara, 170-172).

From this group of ayat, it is clear that Lut (PBUH) was on a high level of consciousness of the care and support of Allah (SWT). And because of that he was qualified to receive the help and protection of Allah (SWT).

We ask Allah (SWT) to give us his care and protection.

Written by: Dr. Ahmed Shaheen

Professor in Al-Azhar University

And Islamic American University

Translated by: Abdullah Zettili

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تاريخ الإضافة : 9 ديسمبر, 2024 عدد الزوار : 13974 زائر

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